Please refrain from smoking inside the property. If evidence of smoking inside the property is found after your stay a $150 charge will be made to your card on file. This requires an additional clean, and scent reducing purifiers to be placed in the property. If you are going to smoke at the property, we ask that you exit the property, and keep all windows and doors closed to avoid smoke smells to linger in the property. Thank you for cooperation.
If there is a problem with your property please call or text us. If you email us we may not see it.
Please make sure the thermostat is set at or above 70 degrees as lower temps can result in frozen coils and broken AC units.
Fridge and Freezer - Please set the fridge and freezer to at most 80% of its maximum capacity, as anything above that will cause them to stop working.
All homes managed by Southern Belle Vacation Rentals are located in residential communities, so we ask to keep the neighbors in mind during your stay.
Please be mindful of noise levels. Gatherings are not allowed in our properties. All of our properties have a maximum occupancy, which is referenced in your rental agreement. Please be sure to stay at or under the occupancy for your property.
If the police are contacted for any reason, you will be evicted from the property.
For the health, safety, and comfort of all of our guests we cannot allow smoking in our properties. If you smoke please do so outside, with the doors closed.
Calling the after hours emergency number when it is not an emergency will result in a $100 charge. Even if it is someone in your group who calls, you will be held responsible. Please know, the after hours person is asleep at 10 pm and is not sitting at a desk all night. They answer the phone out of respect for our guests so please only call if it is a true emergency. We take pride in being helpful to our guests but consider it disrespectful when it is not an emergency. If the emergency is life threatening, call 911.