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Find Your Style Lockbox

Style A - KABA Brand Electronic Door Handle

In your check-in email you would have received a unique 6-digit code for your stay. Simply enter that code and the door will unlock. The door will also re-lock automatically after it is shut.

To reprogram this lock you will need your own 6-digit code which you and your group will be more likely to remember.The following steps should be done quickly, without waiting for any response from the lock itself.

Step One: Enter the 6-digit code we sent to your email.

Step Two: Press the hash/number sign key on the bottom right.

Step Three: Enter your personal 6-digit code.

That's it! If you've done this correctly the light will flash green and the lock will beep. If this has not worked it will flash red and you can simply try again.

Style B - Electronic Door Handle

In your check-in email you will have received a numeric code. Simply enter the code and the door will unlock. It will automatically re-lock itself once the door is closed.

Style C - Electronic Deadbolt

In your check-in email you will have received a numeric code. Simply enter the code and the deadbolt will unlock. The door handle is not connected to the deadbolt so go ahead and turn that to enter.

NOTE: the door handle being a separate assembly does mean it may be possible to lock the handle the from the inside. If you do this, accidentally or out of habit, you risk leaving the home and being locked out! Be sure to make sure the door handle is not locked when you leave.

When you leave the home press the lock button without entering the code and you should hear/feel the door lock.

Style D - Push-Pin Faceplate Lockbox

In your check-in email you will have received a numeric code. With this style lock you are going to be retrieving a physical key you will use to unlock the door. Sometimes this lockbox be hanging from the door handle and sometimes it will be attached to the door frame or nearby. To operate:

Step One: Pull the "Clear" switch located in the center on the bottom of the lock.

Step Two: Enter the code provided in your email.

Step Three: Pull down the "Open" switch located at the top in the center.

Step Four: While the "Open" switch is down pull the faceplate towards you as if it were hinged on the bottom. Note: the faceplate and what it sits in are 2 separate pieces so this will allow you to pull the faceplace completely out.

Step Five: Retrieve your keys.

To Reinstall the Faceplate to the Base:

Step One: Repeat Steps One through Three from above and keep the "Open" switch held down.

Step Two: Put the bottom of the faceplate in place and hinge the faceplate back into place.

Step Three: Once the faceplate is sitting fully back in the base, release the "Open" switch.

NOTE: These lockboxes can stick if the keys are placed in there or anything catches up in the mechanism. You may have to apply a fair amount of pressure to the open switch to get this open.

Style E - Push-Pin Hinged Lockbox

In your check-in email you will have received a numeric code. When you arrive there may be a plastic cover of the faceplate. With this style lock you are going to be retrieving a physical key you will use to unlock the door. Sometimes this lockbox be hanging from the door handle and sometimes it will be attached to the door frame or nearby. To operate:

Step One: Pull the "Clear" switch located in the center on the bottom of the lock.

Step Two: Enter the code provided in your email.

Step Three: Pull down the "Open" switch located at the top in the center.

Step Four: While the "Open" switch is down pull the faceplate towards you. It is on a hinge so it will stay attached to the base.

Step Five: Retrieve your keys.

Step Six: Simply push the faceplate back into place and it will re-lock itself.

NOTE: These lockboxes can stick if the keys are placed in there or anything catches up in the mechanism. You may have to apply a fair amount of pressure to the open switch to get this open.

Style F - Dial Hinged Lockbox

In your check-in email you will have received a numeric code. When you arrive there may be a plastic cover of the faceplate. With this style lock you are going to be retrieving a physical key you will use to unlock the door. Sometimes this lockbox be hanging from the door handle and sometimes it will be attached to the door frame or nearby. To operate:

Step One: Spin the dials to the code provided in your email so the 4 digits of the code are centered vertically, facing you.

Step Two: Pull down the "Open" switch located on the left of the faceplate.

Step Three: While the "Open" switch is down pull the faceplate towards you. It is on a hinge so it will stay attached to the base.

Step Four: Retrieve your keys.

Step Five: Simply push the faceplate back into place and it will re-lock itself.

NOTE: These lockboxes can stick if the keys are placed in there or anything catches up in the mechanism. You may have to apply a fair amount of pressure to the open switch to get this open.